Sunday, February 27, 2005'♥
last dae of our bloody stall thingyim so so glad its overthinking baq..i dun even c a nid to implement da stall at all!i was fucking damn pissed off tis 2 daesn something happened aft we pack upn i was damn fucking tu lan!i mean is lyk wat da hell!knn!dun wish to tok abt it animore.its getting on my nerves agn!meet my boi at cine aft tat.sho glad ta c him.n my anger subsided.heez.went ta suntec ta eat.da prawn mee n tim sum.*yum yum*my fav.u noe..ok u ta da fountain upstairs ta sit sit.sho romantic can da laser thingy plus all da love songsden got tis guy..omg he's so damn damn damn sweet lor!he proposed to his gf in a very special wae.n tat ger was so touched.who wont sweet siaz..*envy*dar dar no good.kip bullying mi.humph!u suck!but i still lub uuuu.muacks.n hor dar...pls tok wif sense n logic k.put urself into my shoes n haf a feel of it 1st.but aiyah...u oso wont one rite i noe.forget it...haikz...wateva...gonna eat my big breakfast tmr.hah.missed it fuck siaz.yawnss...
Zombie@2/27/2005 11:44:00 PM
Saturday, February 26, 2005'♥
watched hide n seek wid dar last nite.
bloody hell..da damn show was sho confusing.
to me..but overall..hai hao la.average.
went ta eat n down ta esplanade ta ton over.
overslept tis morn.
reached home at 7 plus.damn steam man.
was suppose ta mit liyi at lyk 11 something
n i woke up at abt..going 11
went down ta youth park ta mit up wid them
sales aint tat good.but at least able ta cover up our rental thingy
da crowd dere was so pathetic!
i wonder if it will b da same tmr.
sucks lor...but nvm its ok.
kum kang kang is a great idiotic entertainer thru-out.
hahahaz.asshole u suck man shit face.
dar dar came down ta find mi fer a lil while
went ta eat mui dinner wid him den went home.
feeling so gao wei damn sticky all ova.
doing da morn shift tmr wif gan bang bang.
i hope i wont oversleep agn.heeheez.i'll try.=x
alrite..shall go rest now.
if nort carn wake up tmr.yawnss.nitey peeps!
Zombie@2/26/2005 10:56:00 PM
Friday, February 25, 2005'♥
* y a w n s s z z z *
having c.b.z now..sho freezing cold seh..
oh well..had a talk wid my dear gurl tis morn
thanks alot..=)
i kinda feel beta pour out everything.
but i juz hope wateva u predicted wont come true bah.
* s i g h z * * s h r u g z *
counting down da tym now...
i carn wait 2 meet him.
mish him so damn freaking much.
Zombie@2/25/2005 02:02:00 PM
Wednesday, February 23, 2005'♥
went fer da damn seletar camp thingywasted so much of our tym waiting 4 da coach 2 comeden at dere..wasted tym waited 4 dem ta start their wateva presentation agnwth...da whole thingy juz sucks to da max lorn their fucking toilet is lyk so flooded!i tot its lyk juz normal flooding on da floor.BUT NO LOR!i flush da damn thing n water juz spilled out frm e bowl lyk mini fountain!WAH THE FUCK MAN!da first n da worst toilet ive been to in all my life!make us stand on da "raft" kinda thingyn we looked lyk some pathetic refugees wif da life-jacket onN wif our bags along...we looked lyk nth but some kinda retarded morons!den dono fetch us to another asshole part of tat islandma chiam lyk standing on charcoals da whole tym..feet burning underneath like bloody fuck lorn da sun is so strong its killing mes if ani moment gonna kana heat stroke n faint dere lyk tatn da steps of their coaches is so damn high.can u imagine da difficulties u gotta face when u r wearing tight skirt lyk ani moment can tear lorda sun's damn damn damn scorching hotn da land wid all da fucking stones n sand made everything worst!n now my hand got 2-toned colour liaoz.thanks fer da damn arse thingywat e hell..i c no point in gg at allits not s if we gotta go into army aft we grad?wat a damn "good" thing da sch organised fer us man!n oh can i comment tat army guys juz simply sux!?!?wat for let ppl noe tat u r tat desperate?wat da hell...fark ur balls off man...hairless creatures!my mood juz sucks.extremely ultra irritated by everything n anitink.up till now.not in ani mood.n i guess im thinking too much abt other stuffs.things do change.wat can i do.absolutely nothing.ive done wat i can.i juz wana vent every frustrations n anger n every nonsences outbut deres nth i could do.but to juz sit heren blog blog blog damn fucking sickening!!!!!!I HATE ALL TIS DAMN PILE OF SHIT!!!
Zombie@2/23/2005 06:23:00 PM
Tuesday, February 22, 2005'♥
("v").boi i miss u lyk crazy.("v")
Zombie@2/22/2005 05:37:00 PM
didnt go ta skool todae.damn lazi n tired. - yawns -woke up n waited fer my darling boi 2 comehehz..he suppose 2 b sleepingbut carn get ta sleepdar..u look so shag.tonite beta slp earlytry not ta be late fer skool tmr kden he went off ta workn here i am..missing him so much agnso boring..feeling so restless nowgonna go watch tv letk care peeps..miz u guysn dardar i miss u.muackss.
Zombie@2/22/2005 05:17:00 PM
Sunday, February 20, 2005'♥
mit up wid my liyi, zhengjie n kennethwent bugis shoppingggvent my mood on it.damn shiok...but den...i hereby announce im penniless againhehz...nvm to cheer myself up a lilden my dear gal went off at 6 plusn we went dwn e.c.p drink agn.msg rly veh touched when u told mi tose things.let da past be history le.dun tink or talk abt it n' sure we would v soon get baq to wat we rn 4 now.u r oso someone special ta mi whom i rly treasure 2.thanks 4 everything.4 da support da calls da msges lately.without u.i rly dono wat will i b doing now.=) love e doggie u bought 4 me too.---muacksssss---ivy came down ta mit mui aft her long nv mit her le.ever since da 2nd dae of new very 1st meal in more den 48 hours.solid ar...bu shi ren de nid eat oso can survive.went baq bdk to slack.den went to noe something.i dono if its da truth.but even if it is.i rly dono y u r doing tis.oz i believe u r oso hurting urself.(IF da tinks i heard r rly true)y carn we talk it out nicelynow tat things had already cool off liaoz.y carn u gif us another chancey carn we go thru tis big obstacles willing 2 change my attitude for usif onli u haf given mi a chance 2 prove 2 uinstead of making tis cruel not good at expressing my feelings outbut u rly rly mean alot to mei dun wana lose u.i flare up coz i care.if i dun..i wun even bother wasting my sorri 4 using such harsh words on u in da pasti seriously dun mean it.but u noe i juz got tis sickening rash temperat juz trying 2 seek ur attentionjuz wan u 2 pamper me more.wan nobody else but u.guess i juz got myself 2 blame 4 everythingim too difficult 2 deal wif..4 u 2 continue our r/stats y u choose tis i right.i noe u did alot of thinking b4 doing tisbut can we talk things out nicelycan u gif mi n us another chancejuz one last matter how cruel u treat hart is still wif u n will alwaz bei'll wait 4 u.
Zombie@2/20/2005 12:38:00 AM
Saturday, February 19, 2005'♥
damn da hangoverdamn tis feelingfelt so so so mentally tiredwhen will all these endwhen will my hart stop achingwhen will i stop feeling da painswhen will my tears stop fallingwhen will i stop thinkin of himwhen will i stop dreaming of himi feel lyk ending everytingi carn go on animore.wo mei you li liang zou xia qu lehao lei zhen de hao lei..ive been counting da no. of tyms n pplwho kips asking y do i look so qiao cuieva since mondae..even my sista asked mi ytd.ppl..thanks..but dere's no ans to itdun ask le.i oso dono y.can somebody take me awae to somewheresomewhere where i col paradise..
Zombie@2/19/2005 11:34:00 AM
Tuesday, February 15, 2005'♥
Zombie@2/15/2005 11:09:00 PM
overslept this morn.suppose ta wake up at 6 but i woke up at 730n my skool actually starts at 8.since sho late liaoz..went baq ta slp chiam walking zombie todae can.s i g h z. so haggard. ass lor. =(crapped da whole dae in skool.kinda slack.but den eyes lyk half closed liaoz!went home n tried my best to hurry down town.but too bad...ongling eric & nana were lyk at da bus stop waiting leits not tat im late u guys early nor...u understaaaaanddddd...haha pai sae la.but i did try!!!was lyk went ta eat den walk ard n slack ard.sianzation.juz dunch haf ani mood ya..coz im too too too too tired.juz feel lyk lying down n sleep dere lyk nobody biz.but obviously i went home early n here i m.hehz...yeah juz got home.gonna rest soon.nite nite u guys.mish meeeee. -bleahs-
Zombie@2/15/2005 10:30:00 PM
Sunday, February 13, 2005'♥
i tot u were different.but i was so so wrong.dun sae i nv gif u ani chances.i gave u tons.but u nv nv cherish them.ive seen it thruenuff of all da sweet talks.i told u i hate it.thanks for all da empty promisesu neva once mean it.happi dancing wif ur beloved i noe y u r picking on me 4 nth.juz go baq to her if u wana 2.nid not find so mani farking excuses.u said im avoiding u...n wat happens whn i msg u?too busy 2 even replyor u r 2 shock 2 c tat msg?u think im an idiot or wat?oh yah...muz b busy spending tym wif her hartats good.good 4 u.u dun even haf da hart to salvage tis r/sden i carn be bothered s well.tats itWE R THROUGH!
Zombie@2/13/2005 03:05:00 PM
Saturday, February 12, 2005'♥
i guess i've wasted my blardy tymits not even appreciatedwhats da fucking point den.ask urself wat fucking att u gaveask urself wat a nice wae u treat mi ever since u were baqforget iti nv wana c u ever again!ITS ENOUGH!
Zombie@2/12/2005 04:39:00 PM
Friday, February 11, 2005'♥
hehz..gong xi gong xi to all. =)
too busy & tired to blog this few daes.
so this' gonna b a looooooong entry le.
hrmm..well..this new year is kinda diff.
no longer haf tose kinda mood animore.
*shrugz* ish everything changing.
guess it is bah.*sigh*
i wish i could turn baq tym.
to da time whn everything ish juz so fine n perfect.
whn it havent even started falling apart or something.
but yah i noe i cant.things changed.
went visit my father's side relatives wid my bro on da 1st dae.
den went off to changi mac n mit up wid ivy & mel.
went tamp kbox aft loitering ard lyk some lost souls..
drop by pavillion pool 2 find jayius 4 awhile.
ah pui n mel's friend came dwn ta mit us.
after da k-session..went up to ivy's plc aft meeting kaili
majong 4 dem.stoning 4 me. -_-
den played cards n ate steamboat.
den went princess to watch i do i do.
kinda nice la...but too bad im juz so damn irritated by tose ppl in front.
2 durians!fark sehz.da tou!!!i think chou tou oso ehz!!!
veh shagged siaz...slept rite thru till this noon.
slack ard at home doing nth but juz eat n eat non stop.
aunties n uncles juz wana get out of da hse.
u irritating lor yah
went ta mit ivy n her friend at tamp.
slack our arse awae...
suppose 2 lyk mit ongling at bout 6 plus 7 go mag hse
but her laogong sick..wana tc of him 1st
so she can onli make it at bout 8 plus.
but ivy they all gotta go at 7 oz gg genting le
n i dun noe how 2 go mag hse!!!
d.o.t.d.o.t.d.o.t. rite...lolz...
thanks to eric da 'kind soul' who pei-ed mi juz now.
hahaz...ehz pls lor...pls haf some liang xin ok.
i nv col u out juz to scold u hor!im not a sadist!!!
muahahz...though i noe u r.heh juz kidding.=)
thanks yeah.oh aniwae..juz realised u lyk got alot of pose de hor. mani patterns da creatureeeee.
big bully u.hahaz.where's my ang bao!!!!!!!*bleahz* ongling n went up to mag hse.
her new hse ish so big...
lotsa mirrors ard...i love it man!LOL!
played cards n majong.
den ongling tat sotong went ta accidentally switch off da bathroom lite
whn mag's maid is inside using...wth...den she still dono can
muahahhaz.den she mad de lor...i think 2dae 4get ta eat med rite
haha we lyk entertaining each other nia jiu enuff liao
laughed lyk hell.enjoyed man.* grin *
but too bad la...aft tat some ppl juz ruin our mood man.
so suey...wash our good luck awae oso...
muther farkers...*PUI*
acted lyk attention seeking barbarians...omg.tsktsk.
oh its so wateva...yucks...
not gonna go skool tmr.
self-claimed holidae.muahahs.
can sleep late late liao...hehz.
k nah wana go rest liao.nite ppl.luv u guys! =)
Zombie@2/11/2005 03:01:00 AM
Sunday, February 06, 2005'♥
__.x.__se e wat se e e__.x.____.x.__bo o r i n gg na ahh__.x.__
Zombie@2/06/2005 09:23:00 PM
im here to blog rubbish agn..hehz.
seriously i rly got nth beta to do yeah.
so juz bear wid mai craps ppl.. =x
tis's da suckiest weekend i've eva had for da past 18 yrs.
woke up kinda early tis morn.
thanks to my mother...arsehole siaz.
for da whole dae rite~!
went downstairs 2 mit ongling to take mui cigarettes.
yeah she went m' sweet of her ta help mi buy.
2 packets juz for 5 bucks nia.damn damn damn cheap man.
thanks gurl.talked 4 awhile.den she went off le.
n mi go home n continue watching e damn tv.
took a nap.dinner.iron my uniform.
stoning in front of ta comp damn bored!
sch agn tmr.den new year eve.den chinese new year!!
sho excited worz.can put on mai new clothes n shoes n everything.
can take lots of ang bao.but it sure gonna b damn lil tis yr.
carn rly celebrate yupss.
oz mai grandmama passed awae few monthss ago.
* pouts * nvm.can get 2 eat lots of goodiessss 2...hehehe...=)
* wide grin * do i sound lyk a damn idiotic childish kid here.. haha
but den ... * sigh * ... =(
my dearest will b in m'sia for da 1st 2 daes of c.n.y
arsehole...gonna be sho alone here...humph.u suck!
u suck u suck u suck u suck.alwaz leave mi alone.u sucky birdie!
valentine dae next mondae.i hope i wont be alone agn.=\
. . . . . . . . . . . . s i g h z . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Zombie@2/06/2005 08:52:00 PM
Saturday, February 05, 2005'♥
im sho bored.
i miss mai sisters.
i miss mai gurl-gang
i miss mai darlings
(liyi..deb..feng-ming aka fafa.u guys rock my world man!)
i miss mai cranky friends.
i miss mai bitching partners
i miss mai klass mates but not tat loser.
n i miss mai beloved.
i miss everybody ard mui.
u guys miz miee too rite... -grinz-
n u noe wart...
i miz u too.but u will neva noe.
hou lai de ni hao ma
you bi jiao kuai le ma
wo ying gai gao xing ba
que you shuo bu shang hua
wo men shi liang tiao ping heng xian
zai mei you ren he jiao huan dian
zhi liu xia xin suan de gan jue
fei yao deng dao ai yuan zou fen liang tou
cai zhi dao duo bu she ni zou
zhe yang tai can ren
ni xian zai zhong shi ke yi bao chi mo shen
yi zhi you ju hua yao shuo
ni shi wo jing shen jing shi de shou hou
Zombie@2/05/2005 07:20:00 PM
is for |
Natural |
is for |
Arty |
is for |
Thoughtful |
is for |
Artistic |
is for |
Legendary |
is for |
Inspirational |
is for |
Extreme |
Gemini - Your Love Profile
Your positive traits:
Your lively, outgoing attitude attracts people to you everywhere you go.You can talk your way into - and out of - any situation you desire.You're adaptable enough to flirt with anyone - and people tend to fight over you.
Your negative traits:
You get easily bored in relationships, and tend to jump from person to person.You tend to be a bit of a player - and have a high tolerance for drama in relationships.Not the most emphathetic person, you tend to tell lovers to "get over" their problems. Your ideal partner: Is intelligent and quick witted enough to keep you interested.Is a bit of a shape shifter, providing you with the variety you crave.An open minded person, who's willling to have a non-traditional relationship.
Your dating style:
Exciting. If your date shows you a new experience (like Egyptian food or scuba diving), you're very happy.
Your seduction style:
Experimental: it's rare that you try the same thing twice.Ultra kinky - you do stuff that's not even in books yet.Hot and cold... sometimes you're just not into the whole sex thing.
Tips for the future:
Settle down a little. Sometimes good things come with time - so don't let people go so fast.Acknowledge that you're a player and flirt. If your mate can't live with this, find someone who can.Give your partner a little more attention. You don't have to be a social butterfly all the time.
Best color to attract mate:
Sunny yellow
Best day for a date:
Zombie@2/05/2005 01:21:00 AM
Thursday, February 03, 2005'♥
dragged myself outta bed tis morn.
feel lyk skipping skool but ended up gg yeah.
was so moody n down this morn.
but tat blardy arsehole juz managed to cheer me up.=p
haha no names mention.u noe who u r.
she juz got tat much stupid actions u noe.
hahaz...n she was lyk telling me abt some big tym loser~!
oh my...get a life man arseholesssss.
get da facts clear b4 u start pointing fingers at others.
oh so now we noe tats e wae how u look upon us rite.
den wats da point of being friends still in tat case.
oh yeah too bad...we aint lyk some ppl who goes ard bitching abt others.
unlike some ppl who juz flirt ard lyk a cheap slut.
who tink she's tat great.playing ard wif guys feelings n all.
eh ehz..i tink tat sounds more like a whore man.
n oh wats telling stories to others abt mi n my gurl?
get a life man bitch!
n mr loser..get tis in 2 ur punny brain..u r no better
if u were tat good..with self-claimed "higher I.Q"
y did u end up in this I.T.E den
juz tell mi about so so interested 2 noe man.
oh pls...stop going ard wif tat arrogant n snobbish face of urs.
wif ur fuck up character...u r a real damn loser.
u think u r able to dominate everyone ard u?
u noe..u juz make ppl detest u even more n nth else!.
*alas* u make me feel so so sick.
u wana sae us..get all da facts clear b4 doing it.
dont make me hate you like how i hated tat bimbo!
oh whatever...we r told to ignore him.
but well...dun eva come stepping onto our tails in da very 1st place!
gurl...u shldnt haf talked so much to him u noe.
its juz a big insult to ur very own intelligence if u eva realised.
oh well wateva.
aniwae...derrick's so so mad todae aft lunch.
i think he took da wrong medicine or wateva it is.
he is juz mad.hahaz.
but well...good entertainment.=)
liyi...since when bertha mason got a brother?
haha...tataz mason rite.lolz.
alrite...tats all...c u guys ard.loveeee eeeeuuuuuuu!
Zombie@2/03/2005 05:14:00 PM
Tuesday, February 01, 2005'♥
-*-i miz u-*-
Zombie@2/01/2005 05:31:00 PM
manage to save on cab fare todae
finally took train to skool.
yeah yeah!!! *grinz*
slept frm 6 plus ytd evening till mid nite.
woke up n had dinner den went baq 2 slp.
hur hur.sleep alot huhz.but but but.was real damn tired manz.
manage to finish our project 1 n handed in 2dae.
damn shagged arz.wana go rest liaoz. *yawns*
Zombie@2/01/2005 05:18:00 PM